
After we left Lake Fausse Point State Park yesterday, we drove to Avery Island. We ate our lunch here under some spectacular Live Oaks, and then later visited a rookery where there were a good number of nesting Great Egrets. What I did not realize was that Avery Island was the home of Tabasco Sauce production, and also one of five salt domes in Louisiana. During Hurricane Rita, the storm surge and associated flooding brought water to within four inches of the Tabasco factory, despite a 10 foot levee surrounding the place. To the delight of Tabasco lovers everywhere, they are currently increasing the levee to 20 feet.

Here are pictures of the Live Oaks, a Great Egret on a nest and the Tabasco Country Store. Being the curmudgeon that I am, I did not bother going into the store.

Live Oak
Great Egret
Tabasco Country Store

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